CentOS 5.1 yum コマンドの適当な和訳w

適当に和訳しています see man yum

# yum install package      : パッケージをインストールする
# yum update               : パッケージをアップデートする
# yum check-update         : アップデート可能なパッケージの一覧を取得する
# yum upgrade              : インストール済みのパッケージのアップデートを行う
# yum remove | erase       : パッケージを削除する
# yum list                 : パッケージのリストを取得する
# yum info                 : パッケージの情報を取得する
# yum provides             : パッケージの依存関係を表示する
# yum whatprovides         : パッケージの依存関係を表示する
# yum clean packages       : ダウンロードしたパッケージをクリアする
# yum clean headers        : ダウンロードしたヘッダーをクリアする
# yum clean metadata       : ダウンロードしたメタデータをクリアする
# yum clean cache          : man に無し
# yum clean dbcache        : Eliminate the sqlite cache used for faster access to metadata
# yum clean all            : yum clean packages and yum clean headers
# yum makecache            : ダウンロードしたパッケージのクリア
# yum groupinstall group1  : 
# yum groupupdate  group1  : 
# yum grouplist            : 
# yum groupremove group1   : 
# yum groupinfo group1     : 
# yum search string        : 指定された文字をを含むパッケージの表示
# yum search --enablerepo=dag freetds

# yum shell                : ファイルに記述された内容を実行する
# yum resolvedep dep1      : list  packages  providing  the specified dependencies
# yum resolvedep php

# yum localinstall rpmfile : ローカルの依存関係rpmをインストールする
# yum localupdate  rpmfile : ダウンロードしたパッケージのクリア
# yum deplist package      : パッケージの依存関係を表示する
# yum deplist php
package: php.i386 5.1.6-15.el5
  dependency: libz.so.1
   provider: zlib.i386 1.2.3-3

 -h, --help
	Help; display a help message and then quit.
	Assume yes; assume that the answer to any question which would be asked is yes.
        Configuration Option: assume-yes

 -c [config file]
	Specifies the config file location - can take http, ftp urls and local file paths.

 -d [number]
	Sets the debugging level to [number] - turns up or down  the  amount  of  things  that  are
        printed. Practical range: 0 - 10
        Configuration Option: debuglevel

 -e [number]
	Sets the error level to [number] Practical range 0 - 10. 0 means print only critical errors
        about which you must be told. 1 means print all errors,  even  ones  that  are  not  overly
        important. 1+ means print more errors (if any) -e 0 is good for cron jobs.
        Configuration Option: errorlevel

 -R [time in minutes]
	Sets  the  maximum amount of time yum will wait before performing a command - it randomizes
        over the time.

	Tells yum to run entirely from cache - does not download or update any  headers  unless  it
        has to to perform the requested action.

	Reports the yum version number and exits.

	Specifies an alternative installroot, relative to which all packages will be installed.
	Configuration Option: installroot

	Enables  specific  repositories  by id or glob that have been disabled in the configuration
        file using the enabled=0 option.
        Configuration Option: enabled

	Disables specific repositories by id or glob.
        Configuration Option: enabled

	This option only has affect for an update, it enables yum´s obsoletes processing logic. For
        more information see the update command above.
        Configuration Option: obsoletes

	Exclude a specific package by name or glob from updates on all repositories.
        Configuration Option: exclude

	Run with all plugins disabled.
        Configuration Option: plugins

# yum list [all | glob_exp1] [glob_exp2] [...]
	List all available and installed packages.

# yum list available [glob_exp1] [...]
	List all packages in the yum repositories available to be installed.

# yum list updates [glob_exp1] [...]
	List all packages with updates available in the yum repositories.

# yum list installed [glob_exp1] [...]
	List the packages specified by args.  If an argument does not match the name of  an  avail-
        able package, it is assumed to be a shell-style glob and any matches are printed.

# yum list extras [glob_exp1] [...]
	List  the  packages  installed  on  the system that are not available in any yum repository
        listed in the config file.

# yum list obsoletes [glob_exp1] [...]
	List the packages installed on the system that are obsoleted by packages in any yum reposi-
        tory listed in the config file.

# yum list recent
	List packages recently added into the repositories.
        Specifying package names
        All  the  list  options mentioned above take file-glob-syntax wildcards or package names as
        arguments, for example yum list available ’foo*’ will  list  all  available  packages  that
        match ’foo*’. (The single quotes will keep your shell from expanding the globs.)


# yum clean packages
	Eliminate  any  cached  packages from the system.  Note that packages are not automatically
        deleted after they are downloaded.

# yum clean headers
	Eliminate all of the header files which yum uses for dependency resolution.

# yum clean metadata
	Eliminate all of the files which yum uses to determine the remote availability of packages.
        Using this option will force yum to download all the metadata the next time it is run.

# yum clean dbcache
	Eliminate  the  sqlite  cache  used  for faster access to metadata.  Using this option will
        force yum to recreate the cache the next time it is run.

# yum clean all
	Runs yum clean packages and yum clean headers as above.